Connection Update
To notify client application about the progress of the relevant lock functions (unlock, lock, prepareEndRental).
Instances of the ConnectionUpdate are dispatched in the callback onUpdate: (ConnectionUpdate) -> Unit
. ConnectionUpdate doesn't interrupt the flow, only serves as a tool to advertise progress.
String value for logging purposes
The connection to the bluetooth device has been established. Note that if the device has been previously connected, this ConnectionUpdate will be called at the start of any unlock, lock, or prepareEndRental
The searched device has been found and is close enough to establish connection. The app has initiated establishing of connection to the particular bluetooth device.
During bike.donkey.lockkit.DonkeyLockKit.prepareEndRental after making sure the device is properly locked the app does ExtraLockCheck to make sure it stays locked. This lock check should follow with Result in the onResult
The bluetooth device notified the app it had enabled the lock mechanism and user needs to manually push the lock to lock it
The app has read the characteristic data from the bluetooth device in order to determine next action
The app has initiated bluetooth scan for the particular bluetooth device
The app has sent eKey data to the bluetooth device to perform the desired action
The searched device has been found, but the rssi of the advertisement is too weak and therefore cannot establish connection yet.